I. Installation
Download SIP.js here: https://github.com/onsip/SIP.js/releases or if the project uses npm then use
npm install sip.js
Current latest version: 0.20.0
Document SIP.js: https://github.com/onsip/SIP.js/blob/master/docs/README.md
II. Extension login
Declare global variables and import the following classes
import {
} from "sip.js";
import {IncomingResponse} from "sip.js/lib/core";
userAgent: UserAgent;
// register to manage extension login and logout operations.
registerer: Registerer;
// incomingInvitation to manage events related to incoming calls
incomingInvitation: Invitation;
// outgoingInviter to manage events related to outgoing calls
outgoingInviter: Inviter;
// When any call takes place, a session is created, this variable is used to track the status of the call until the call ends.
session: Session;
Declare UserAgent and Registerer to log in to the extension:
// Explain:
// username: extension_number (Ex: 1234, 5678, ...)
// password: extension_password (Ex: abcDefg123, xzyqerTT11, ...)
// domain: tenant_domain (Ex: voip.example.com, ...)
async login(username: string, password: string, domain: string) {
const _uri = UserAgent.makeURI(`sip:${username}@${tenant_domain`);
if (!_uri) { return; }
const _userAgentOptions: UserAgentOptions = {
uri: _uri,
authorizationUsername: username,
authorizationPassword: password,
transportOptions: {
server: "wss://sip.etelecom.vn:10443",
logLevel: "debug",
displayName: username,
delegate: {
// contains events such as incoming calls, forwarded calls, ...
// for example, section V will talk about receiving incoming calls, that part will be put in here
this.userAgent = new UserAgent(_userAgentOptions);
this.registerer = new Registerer(this.userAgent, {});
await this.userAgent?.start();
await this.registerer?.register();
III. Log out of extension
async logout() {
await this.registerer?.unregister();
await this.userAgent?.stop();
IV. Making an outgoing call
To make a call:
async call(phoneNumber: string) {
const target = UserAgent.makeURI(`sip:${phone}@${tenant_domain}`);
if (!target) { return; }
const inviter = new Inviter(this.userAgent, target, {});
this.outgoingInviter = inviter;
this.session = inviter;
**// listen to the call's States: start, end, ... Will be discussed in section VII.**
const _inviterInviteOptions: InviterInviteOptions = {
requestDelegate: {
// When the call starts, this onProgress event occurs.
onProgress: (response: IncomingResponse) => {
if (response.message.headers['X-Session-Id']?.length) {
// TODO: get X-Session-Id to serve for getting Call Logs (if needed).
// When the call is accepted by the receiver, this onAccept event occurs.
onAccept: (response: IncomingResponse) => {
this.session = inviter;
**// Handle calls, get remoteMediaStream (audio/video) of customers
// to be able to listen and talk to customers.
// Will be discussed in section VI.**
await this.outgoingInviter.invite(_inviterInviteOptions);
Video Call, continues the call()
above function:
// you can customize these parameters if needed.
const videoConstraints: MediaTrackConstraints = {
advanced: [
width: 480,
height: 640,
echoCancellation: true,
frameRate: 20,
async call(phoneNumber: string) {
**// listen to the call's States: start, end, ... Will be discussed in section VII.**
const constraints: MediaStreamConstraints = {
video: videoConstraints,
audio: true
**// prepare webcam for video call.**
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then((stream) => {
// find Local Video Element (Local is the user side, different from Remote which is the side of the person talking to the User)
const localVideo = document.getElementById("localVideo") as HTMLVideoElement;
// then assign MediaStream as the source of that Video Element
localVideo.srcObject = stream;
// call play() function to play video.
localVideo.play().catch(err => console.error("ERROR in Streaming Local Video", err));
const _inviterInviteOptions: InviterInviteOptions = {
requestDelegate: {
sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: {constraints}
V. Receive call (incoming call)
Add this value to the delegate field of UserAgentOptions in section II, step 2.
**// khi có cuộc gọi đến, sự kiện onInvite này sẽ xảy ra**
onInvite: (invitation: Invitation) => {
this.incomingInvitation = invitation;
this.session = invitation;
**// listen to the call's States: start, end, ... Will be discussed in section VII.**
if (this.incomingInvitation.request.headers['X-Session-Id']?.length) {
// TODO: get X-Session-Id to serve for getting Call Logs (if needed).
If it is a video call, check the variable
Accept call
async answer() {
await this.incomingInvitation.accept();
**// Handle calls, get remoteMediaStream (audio/video) of customers
// to be able to listen and talk to customers.
// Will be discussed in section VI.**
If it is a video call, with the same function
above, we can implement it as follows:
async answer() {
const constraints: MediaStreamConstraints = {
video: videoConstraints,
audio: true
**// prepare webcam for video call.**
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then((stream) => {
// find Local Video Element (Local is the user side, different from Remote which is the side of the person talking to the User)
const localVideo = document.getElementById("localVideo") as HTMLVideoElement;
// then assign MediaStream as the source of that Video Element
localVideo.srcObject = stream;
// call play() function to play video.
localVideo.play().catch(err => console.error("ERROR in Streaming Local Video", err));
await this.incomingInvitation.accept({
sessionDescriptionHandlerOptions: {constraints}
Reject call
async reject() {
await this.incomingInvitation.reject();
VI. Call handling, getting remoteMediaStream
_processCalls() {
const sessionDescriptionHandler = this.session.sessionDescriptionHandler;
if (sessionDescriptionHandler && sessionDescriptionHandler instanceof Web.SessionDescriptionHandler) {
if (**cuộc gọi là video**) {
// find Remote Video Element on HTML DOM
const remoteVideo = document.getElementById("remoteVideo") as HTMLVideoElement;
// then assign MediaStream as the source of that Video Element
remoteVideo.srcObject = sessionDescriptionHandler.remoteMediaStream;
// call play() function to play video.
remoteVideo.play().catch(err => console.error("ERROR in Streaming Remote Video", err));
} else {
// find Audio Element on HTML DOM
const remoteAudio = document.getElementById("remote") as HTMLAudioElement;
// then assign MediaStream as the source of that Audio Element
remoteAudio.srcObject = sessionDescriptionHandler.remoteMediaStream;
// call play() function to play sound.
remoteAudio.play().catch(err => console.error("ERROR in Streaming Remote Audio", err));
Your interface must have tags
to display video and play audio when making calls. With local being the user side and remote being the side where the user is talking to .For example:
<video id="remoteVideo" autoplay>
<video id="localVideo" autoplay>
<audio style="display: none" id="remoteAudio"></audio>
<!--localAudio can be used to contain audio about ring back tone, incoming call ringtone...-->
<audio style="display: none" id="localAudio" loop></audio>
VII. Listening to the Call States
_sessionStateListener() {
this.session.stateChange.addListener((state: SessionState) => {
switch (state) {
case SessionState.Initial:
// The call has just been initiated.
case SessionState.Establishing:
// The call has just been accepted.
case SessionState.Established:
// The call starts.
case SessionState.Terminating:
// The call has just ended.
case SessionState.Terminated:
// The call is completely terminated
VIII. Actively end the call
async hangup() {
if (**The call is an outgoing call and has just been initiated, not yet accepted.n**) {
await this.outgoingInviter.cancel();
} else {
await this.session?.bye();
IX. Hold the line
async hold(isHold: boolean) {
const _holdOptions: Web.SessionDescriptionHandlerOptions = {
hold: isHold
this.session.sessionDescriptionHandlerOptionsReInvite = _holdOptions;
Last updated